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Friday, May 29, 2009

Top 40 Hits of the Rolling Stones (1964-1979)

This is the list for this weeks show. Right click on the song title to purchase a copy for yourself. Now on with this weeks survey.

2 MISS YOU - Rolling Stones (Rolling Stones)
4 ANGIE - Rolling Stones (Rolling Stones)
12 TUMBLIN' DICE - Rolling Stones (Rolling Stones)
13 FOOL TO CRY - Rolling Stones (Rolling Stones)
24 HAPPY - Rolling Stones (Rolling Stones)
29 WILD HORSES - Rolling Stones (Rolling Stones)
30 SHATTERED - Rolling Stones (Rolling Stones)
35 HOT STUFF - Rolling Stones (Rolling Stones)

If you missed this weeks show simply click here. I'll talk to you next week when we countdown the 40 biggest hits from June 5, 1957. Have a great day.

Jason Miller