Time Travelers

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Friday, August 28, 2009

August, 29 1956

Hello again, Jason Miller here with another edition of the Time Warp Top 40. This week I'm taking you back to the year 1956. There are a lot of singles in this countdown that you don't hear anymore so go grap your favorite beverage, sit back, relax and remember the good ol' days as I take you on a fabulous three hour journey to the "Golden Age Of Top 40 Radio". Here is the list used. BTW, just enrolled with FACEBOOK. Here is the link to my page there. FACEBOOK


  1. Good catch. The correct version of no. 35 "When the White Lilacs..." by B. Vaughn was played. The above chart has been incorrectly scanned showing Helmut Zacharias version at no.35.
    H. Zacharias is actually #46 in the expanded Top 100.

  2. Jason:

    August, 29 1956

    The hour 2 link is dead. Is there anyway you can re-up that link ?
